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1 | 招银国际 | Lily Yang,Kevin Zhang | 维持 | 买入 | Entering 2025 with a clean slate,with the worst left behind | 2025-01-20 |
Wingtech announced its preliminary FY24 results. The company expects a netloss to be around RMB3.5-4.55bn (vs. RMB1.1bn NP in FY23). Mgmt. attributedthe NL primarily to 1) impairment related to the sale of ODM business announcedin Dec (link), 2) a write-down on deferred tax assets, and 3) further goodwillimpairments (RMB600mn/RMB500mn in 2022/23, with RMB200mn to be fullyimpaired in 2024). Despite short-term financial setbacks, we believe Wingtech isbetter-positioned for LT value creation as it moves forward with a lighter load asit transforms itself to a predominately semiconductor-focused company. MaintainBUY with TP unchanged at RMB52.
Net loss in FY24 due to one-off impairments from ODM spin-off. PerCounterpoint, the top three ODM players (Longcheer, Huaqin, Wingtech)accounted for 75% of total market in 1H24 in China. Wingtech ranked thirdwith 17% share, down 3ppts vs. 1H23. Despite a challenging 1H24, its ODMbusiness continued to improve in 4Q (after +46%/15% YoY/QoQ in 3Q), witha record revenue (est. double-digit YoY and single-digit QoQ). Excluding theimpairments (ODM business spin-off, write-down on DTA, and goodwill), thesegment turned profitable in 4Q as mgmt. expected. However, ODM is a lowmargin business, with the top three ODM players in China seeing <3% NPMon average in 9M24. We see No.2 player Huaqin (603296 CH, NR) is activelydiversifying its business portfolio towards higher-margin opportunities(recently acquired 75% of HCTRobot). We believe Wingtech is betterpositioned now as it moves forward with a lighter load.
Semi business continued to show resilience amid seasonal slowdown.Semi business revenue grew sequentially in FY24 (2Q/3Q: 10/15% QoQ).While 4Q24 sales faced seasonal softness, the business still recorded singledigit YoY (~7%) and flattish QoQ growth, driven by strong demand inconsumer, data center, and auto sectors. Notably, China contributed ~40%of total semi revenue, offsetting weakness overseas resulting from continuedinventory correction. 4Q GPM was near 2Q level (1Q/2Q/3Q: 31.0%/38.7%/40.5%). Mgmt. expects overseas auto OEMs to resume restocking in2025, with auto revenue currently accounting for 60% of total semi revenue.
Looking forward, we expect to see more upside in Wingtech’s valuation,lifted by 1) increasing semiconductor revenue share, 2) robust domestic autodemand with gradual recovery overseas, and 3) a re-rating opportunity givenits business transformation to being a semi-centric company. Maintain BUY,with TP unchanged at RMB52, corresponding to 24.8x FY25E P/E, basedon unchanged financial forecasts. Potential risks include heightened USChina trade relations, unfavourable exchange rates, and weaker-thanexpected overseas auto inventory correction. |
2 | 招银国际 | Lily Yang,Kevin Zhang | 维持 | 买入 | Valuation to improve on ODM business spin-off | 2025-01-03 |
On December 31, 2024, Wingtech signed a “Letter of Intent for Sale” for ninewholly-owned ODM subsidiaries with Luxshare Limited in an all-cash deal. Thismove follows its recent addition to the US trade blacklist (news). According tomgmt., this transaction serves two primary purposes: (1) to align with the riskpreferences of certain ODM clients, and (2) to mitigate potential risks to itssemiconductor leg. The deal reflects a broader 2025 trend of event-driven M&Aopportunities in China's semiconductor sector amid strategic geopolitical shiftsand favourable policies, as indicated in our 2025 outlook report as a newinvestment theme (link). Maintain BUY on Wingtech, with TP unchanged atRMB52.
The sale exclusively involves its Android-focused ODM business, aburden on the company’s financial performance and valuation.Together, these subsidiaries held a total asset value of RMB28.2bn as of9M24, representing 36.1% of the company’s total assets and over 50% oftotal revenue (triggering one of CSRC’s asset restructuring regulations) in3Q24. In 9M24, the ODM segment contributed ~79% of total revenue butrecorded a substantial net loss of RMB1.2bn.
Wingtech will focus on its high-margin semiconductor business,Nexperia. In 9M24, semi segment generated RMB10.9bn in sales (~20%of total revenue), with GPM at 37% (RMB4bn) and NPM at 16%(RMB1.7bn), outperforming the company’s overall 9% GPM and 1% NPMduring the same period. In 2Q/3Q24, semi segment saw sequential growthof 6%/6%, driven by 1) strong domestic auto sales, recovering consumerelectronics and robust computing demand. We expect the company’s semisegment sales to grow by 11.8%/12.9% in FY25/26E, compared toBloomberg consensus of 9%/9%.
Maintain BUY, with TP unchanged at RMB52, corresponding to 24.8xFY25E P/E. We expect this business transformation will lead to a highervaluation for Wingtech, as it has almost transformed into a predominatelysemi-focused company. The company currently trades at 17.7x/12.2xFY25/26E P/E, which is appealing comparing to its domestic peers thattrade at an average 25/26E P/E of 30.3x/23.8x. Potential risks include:heightened China-US trade relations, and unfavourable exchange rates. |
3 | 华鑫证券 | 毛正,张璐 | 首次 | 买入 | 公司事件点评报告:半导体业务增长稳健,产品集成业务Q3明显好转 | 2024-11-06 |
功率半导体行业Q2中低压产品价格逐渐企稳,出货量与盈利情况环比改善。下游来看,新能源车渗透率不断提升,插电式混合动力(含增程)占比持续提升,销量同比增长约7成;工业市场在可再生能源装机规模不断突破和AI数据中心高速增长的带动下有所复苏;消费电子也将在AI的带动下,即将迎来AI手机、AI PC等终端设备的新一轮换机周期。随着产业链中消费电子、汽车电子、高性能计算等领域的快速回升,功率半导体景气度逐步恢复上行,公司业务受益增长。
宏观经济的风险,产品研发不及预期的风险,行业竞争加剧的风险,下游需求不及预期的风险。 |
4 | 上海证券 | 王红兵,陈凯 | 维持 | 买入 | 三季报点评:盈利能力环比改善,半导体业务带来持久动能 | 2024-11-05 |
终端需求复苏不及预期、订单落地不及预期、行业竞争加剧 |
5 | 浦银国际证券 | 沈岱,黄佳琦 | 维持 | 买入 | 三季度产品集成业务与功率半导体业务同频改善 | 2024-10-29 |
投资风险:智能手机等消费电子产品需求恢复不如预期。半导体行业基本面周期上行动能不足。国内或海外新能源车行业增长弱于预期。功率行业竞争加剧。公司投入较大,利润承压。 |
6 | 招银国际 | Lily Yang,Kevin Zhang | 维持 | 买入 | Both semi/ODM segments showed turnaround signals with sequential growth | 2024-10-28 |
Wingtech released3Q24results and we attended the mgmt.call.Q3revenue wasRMB19.6bn(a record quarterly revenue since2020),up28.7%YoY/12.9%QoQ,beating Bloomberg consensus by16%.GPM was11%vs.9.2%/9.7%in1Q/2Q24,beating consensus of10.5%.Net profit was RMB274mn,turningpositive after Q2loss(-RMB3mn).Both ODM and semiconductor segmentsachieved sequential growth in sales(15%/6%QoQ)and GPM(both up1.8ppt),suggesting the business gradually recovered from the cyclical trough.We reviseup EPS forecast for25/26E by22%/15%on further margin improvement.Maintain BUY with TP adjusted to RMB52,based on25x2025E P/E basedon0.5SD below1-yr historical forward P/E(previously23.5x reflecting1SDbelow)as we think the worst has passed for both segments and turningpoint is in near sight.
Semiconductor sales grew on strong domestic auto demand andseasonal consumer electronics procurement;margin back to40%.3Qsemiconductor sales were RMB3.8bn(20%of3Q revenue),down4%YoYbut up6%QoQ.Revenue mix remained similar(vs.1H24),with autocontributing~60%.For3Q24,1)auto sales increased modestly,with mixedgrowth from domestic(strong)and overseas(weak);2)consumer electronicssales grew by double digits QoQ,driven by soaring computing demand andrecovering personal electronics restocking behaviour due to the upcomingholiday season;3)industrial/power/NE had weaker recovery with mild growthsequentially.Heading into Q4,we anticipate semiconductor sales to decline3%QoQ on seasonality,and Q4GPM to remain stable at40.5%.
Legacy ODM grew with revenue structure improvement;net lossnarrowed.ODM sales was RMB15.7bn in3Q24(80%of3Q revenue),up46%YoY and15%QoQ.Within the segment,smartphone/tablet contributed~50%of revenue(vs.~100%previously).The rest came from homeappliances/auto/IoT sales.Smartphone/tablet business began to profit thisquarter,while home appliances profited for two consecutive quarters.GPMrose to3.8%(vs.2%in2Q24)due to higher ASP,lower BOM costs and betteroperating efficiency.Excluding FX impacts,net loss narrowed in Q3at lessthan RMB10mn vs.RMB42mn in Q2.We expect Q4ODM sales to slightlydecrease2%,a mixed impact from seasonality and platform transition.
Maintain BUY,with TP adjusted to RMB52,based on25x2025E P/Ewhich is0.5SD below1-yr historical forward P/E as both segmentsindicate a turning point towards recovery.Potential risks include:slower-than-expected recovery in demand,heightened China-US trade relations,and unfavorable exchange rates. |